The Importance and Power of Intimacy
The word intimacy is defined as "the closeness between people in personal relationships". It is something that ranges between each relationship that you have. I honestly wish that when I thought of intimacy this definition came more to mind. The thought of intimacy has been something I haven't always enjoyed or felt comfortable with. For me it makes me think of being vulnerable with someone and exposing yourself in a way you could be very hurt if things go south. I have always been one to protect myself the best I can so entertaining the idea of being intimate with someone hasn't always been something I felt safe with.
This is not the right way to think about this, however. We live in a world where intimacy means different things to different people. To some intimacy only means having sexual relations with someone and it doesn't particularly matter who they are intimate with. For others, intimacy means more than just the sexual aspects of a relationship. It's the minds connecting and being emotionally bonded with one another. The latter combined with the physical aspects of a relationship is what intimacy is. It's that closeness with another human being. Intimacy is not something to be afraid of.
All of those aspects of intimacy mentioned are key to having a successful relationship with a spouse. You need to have a balance between each of those aspects. They each contribute to helping you become one with your spouse. In the scriptures we read, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Becoming one with someone is very beautiful and sacred and it should be treated so. The world has corrupted much of the beautiful and intimate aspects of a relationship. We see so many messages of making ourselves happy and not caring for much else. But when we view relationships in the way that we are trying to see what we are going to get out of them, we lose the most special parts of what makes them so beautiful in the first place.
When we become one with someone mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically we are sharing the most private and amazing parts of ourselves with another person and it creates a bond that if worked to keep it strong, will last forever. This is the reason why it is so crucial to treat intimacy carefully. When the trust of intimacy is broken in a relationship it is often irreparable. When you give yourself fully to another person you expect they will treat what you've given them with such care. Pornography and relationships with other people aside from your spouse (or even relationships with yourself that don't include your spouse) is extremely damaging to both parties. Intimacy is not just some snack to be passed around from person to person, it is a delicacy to be enjoyed within the bounds of a husband and a wife.
In closing don't be afraid of intimacy. Be excited about it. Relationships are hard by the yard but a cinch by the inch. Take things slow and with the right person, they will naturally progress to a place where you both are ready for the next step or level in a relationship with one another. A relationship is a space where being vulnerable is going to be inevitable if you want the relationship to progress. To get to the beautiful aspects of intimacy you have to take risks to get there. And while that process will not always be comfortable it will be so worthwhile in the end. Having a relationship of closeness like that cannot compare to anything else in this world.
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